Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Forts, Finals, Flights, & Freedom

To set the mood, a little Sufjan Stevens Christmas music here. And yes, I know it is slightly strange and excruciatingly ambiguous. But that's kind of how this Christmas has felt... in a good way. 

The strangeness started one crisp afternoon when my roommate Kristen informed me that we were building a fort for finals week. It was such a simple statement, but it marinated in my mind for days until it became more than just idea--it became the incarnation of every childhood fantasy I'd ever imagined, every guileless daydream I'd ever dreamt, every creative endeavor I'd ever pursued. 

And so, a masterpiece was born.

Okay, so it wasn't actually incredible, but to me it was a palace, a safe haven, a piece of architectural genius, a manifestation of my innovative power. I loved it with all my heart. We even slept in it one night.

Over the last week of school I often took refuge in the fort. Most of the time it was when I was on the brink of a complete meltdown and needed a quiet place to sort my thoughts and face my fears. 

And my biggest fear? ECON 110. My grades haven't all been posted yet, so this may be premature, but I'm pretty sure I failed my Econ class this semester. How it happened, I do not know. What I do know is that I am surprised I'm taking it this well. I've never failed anything. Ever. 

The day after I finished my last exam, I flew home to the good ole 3-1-4. St. Louis, that is. But I almost didn't make it. My flight to Denver was scheduled to depart at 6:05am. I got through Security at 5:57am. I have never sprinted harder in my life. Somehow, Kristen got to the gate about 7 minutes earlier than I did (yeah yeah, we all know Kristen's a better runner than I am). The kid behind me in line pulled a skateboard out of his backpack and wheeled his way through the terminal at the speed of light. I don't know how, but I somehow crossed the entire airport, boarded the plane, found a seat, and caught my breath before take-off. 

I can't even begin to describe the relief that surged through my body (and my soul) when I stepped off the plane in STL and realized I was home. All my anxiety and angst and anxiousness from the week before melted away as I walked into our sweet-smelling, tinsel-decorated, Christmas-ready house. I love being home.