Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bem Vindos!

In all honesty, I have absolutely no real good reason for writing a blog. I tend to follow the notion that you should only write something worth reading, and you should only read something that makes you feel that quiet flutter of inspiration. Hopefully some of what I share will be worth it!

A little about myself:
I am eighteen years old and a first-year at Kenyon College in Gambier, OH. Basically, I live in the middle of nowhere. And somehow I love it. Even though I grew up in one of the biggest cities in the world--São Paulo--I somehow feel at home among the ancient trees and rolling hills of rural Ohio.
I was named after a song by Bread. Check it out.
I have four little brothers who, despite their many outbursts and quirks, always make my day.
Although I have yet to declare a major, I am thinking either Physics or English. fyi I have trouble making decisions.
Food is one of my greatest passions. I adore reading about, watching, cooking, and eating it. It has made me a bit of a food snob.
Most importantly, I love the English language. And that's what I want to share.

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