Friday, March 7, 2014

Buona Sera

Dean Martin

This is one of my favorite songs. Especially the part:

"In the morning signorina we'll go walking
Where the mountains help the moon come into sight,
And by the little jewelry shop we'll stop and linger
While I buy a wedding ring for your finger.
In the meantime let me tell you that I love you;
Buona sera signorina kiss me goodnight."

Yes, this post is about weddings. 

Last weekend, I got to attend my cousin Alexander's wedding. The drive down to Las Vegas was not the most comfortable ride I have experienced. Here's why. Five tired college students. One small Jetta. Numb legs. Too many peanut butter M&M's. No air-conditioning. Road construction.

But it was all worth it. For one thing, we had an accidental rendezvous with some family at a gas station in Beaver, UT. I don't think I have ever seen such unrestrained jubilation as when we found each other in the parking lot. 

(Photo credit: Weston)

Also, Mitch and Giselle look really tan in this photo.

What really made the drive worth it, though, was the actual wedding. The venue was beautiful: a ranch with a courtyard for the ceremony and a huge white tent for the reception. For some unfathomable reason, I didn't think I was going to cry during the ceremony. I was very, very wrong. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. The vows were perfect. The bridesmaids and groomsmen were perfect. Alex and Courtney were perfect. 

(Photo credit: Stephanie Heimer)

The reception was lovely. And so fun. My whole family hit the dance floor and didn't stop dancing the rest of the night. Even--well, especially--my grandma couldn't wait until the music started and was one of the last to leave the reception. I honestly can't remember the last time I danced that hard. 

My favorite events: Courtney and Alex dancing with their mothers, their first dance as a couple, and my grandparents' dance. Allow me to explain the last one. The MC had all the married couples get on the dance floor and asked them to move to the other side if they had been married less than 4 hours, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, etc. The last couple standing was my grandparents, who have been married for 51 years. Then the MC said, "We are now going to play the song that played during this lovely couple's first dance at their wedding, over 50 years ago."

That's when I lost it. As the first chords of the classic song "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina" trilled across the dance floor alongside my grandparents' waltz, my throat caught and everything started to look sparkly through the tears in my eyes. 

I'm not one of those girls who has been planning her wedding since the age of six. But I have a confession: I have a secret wedding board on Pinterest. Shocking, I know. Here's a sneak peek.

Basically, you'd better come to my wedding whenever it is, because it will be spectacular.

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