Monday, November 5, 2012

We are infinite.

I know, it's been a while. And by "a while" I mean almost a year. I would try to come up with an excuse like, "I've just been too busy" or "Nothing interesting has happened since then," but those are both lies.

I have been busy, yes. But not TOO busy. In fact, when I got home from school this summer, I had an entire month of doing absolutely nothing until my job started in June. I honestly cannot remember the last time I had so few obligations. That month felt like one very long Saturday afternoon where all you do is sit in bed and read. I did other things, too, but I did manage to read the entire Percy Jackson series and most of The Chronicles of Narnia and even the beginning of "Pride & Prejudice" in Portuguese. Let me repeat that: PRIDE AND PREJUDICE IN PORTUGUESE. I am bragging about that and will continue to do so until I feel satisfied. 
What else did I do during that month? I spent a lot of time with my little brothers. Here's a picture of them playing with some baby gators.

I also went on a little trip to New Orleans and spent some time on the Bayou and Lake Ponchartrain. (Hence, the baby gators)
Here's some pictures of the "camp," though I'm still not sure why it's called that because it was one of the quaintest and most comfortable cabins I have ever stayed in.

We also visited an old plantation called Oak Alley and went into the city to be obnoxious tourists and eat powered-sugar-drenched beignets. Here's some pictures of that. 

We're so cool. Okay, enough pictures.
Oh wait, one more. I got my wisdom teeth pulled out shortly after the New Orleans trip. This is what I looked like: 

So embarrassing. 

This summer I was a day camp counselor. My group of kids were 7-8 years old, and they were the best group in the whole camp, hands down. I loved them so much, and--bragging again--they loved me. At the end of the summer two of them even asked if they could come home and live with me. 
When it wasn't 108 degrees and 100% humidity, camp was bearable. We went to the pool every Tuesday and Thursday and I got a pretty intense tan line (for the first time in 5 years maybe?). Probably my favorite quote from the whole summer:

ME: Everyone get in a line behind Jacob, please! (I'm so polite, I know)
JACOB: Aw, man.
ME: Jacob, what's wrong?
JACOB: I don't like my name. I really wish my name was Mr. Fluffy Pants. (He also had a lisp and had a hard time saying his L's too)

Speaking of names... A little boy named Josh who wasn't in my group because he was only 5 years old came up to me on the first day of camp and said, "Hi, I'm Josh. I'm going to be your special buddy!" About a week before camp ended...

JOSH: Did you know that Aubrey is a good name?
ME: Uh, I didn't. Thanks. Why?
JOSH: It's just that... whenever someone's named Aubrey it's always a really pretty girl.

Boys, that is how it's done. But seriously, when I wasn't dying of thirst and exhaustion or crying my eyes out driving home because of things the kids told me about their lives, camp was great.
Next up: SCHOOL.

I declared my major last week--Actuarial Science. It's good to finally feel like I'm heading somewhere with my schooling. I was in a ballet class at the beginning of the semester, but I only made it one week. On the second day of class, our teacher said she was going to take roll a new way. "When I call your name, please do the splits," she said. That was my cue to leave, permanently.

What I felt like doing after watching the Summer Olympics...

What I look like trying to be flexible...

Yeah. Anyway, I switched into a basketball class instead. There's only one other girl, and most of the guys are at least 6 ft. tall, but I'd take elbows to the face and getting shoved halfway across the court over pliĆ©s any day. 
For my birthday (I'm finally not a teenager anymore!) I went to the Utah State Fair. My cousin won me a fish, who we named Jeff. Here's a picture of me with Jeff.

Side note--I chopped off my hair.Unfortunately, Jeff died last week. It was the closest my roommate has gotten to crying in... well, a very very very long time.
Speaking of crying, we went to the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower this weekend. Please go see it. Please. If for nothing else, at least to see Hermione Granger and Percy Jackson acting side by side. 

I hope to write a little more consistently, and maybe even take a few pictures in the near future. Until then, know this: "We are infinite."